1. 本校特別致謝向每一位全力支持本校再次開辦學校,讓孩子們能『排排坐』進入課堂上課,看見其他小朋友(Best Friends),孩子們均感到非常高興,對父母親說“喜歡來中文學校了。”
2. 春季招收插班生:已滿額了,謝謝!
3. 9月入學新生:已有很多位報名和登記了,全部只收20名小朋友。要報名登記的,請盡快,謝謝!
4. 招收新生年齡:由4歲開始可以入學,4-10歲均可登記報名。本校是會安排孩子們加入不同組別,每班有3-5位老師輔導,務求每一位孩子均受到關註和輔導。
5. 電話報名方法:請致電 020 8858 2410 找陳雪校長,(逢周一至周六)(上午11時至下午3時),或請留下你的電話,本校有職員盡快聯絡你。
6. 上課日期及時間:(星期日)上午10時半至中午12時(即1小時30分鐘課程)。
7. 上課地點:倫敦東南格林威治區內 Greenwich London SE Area,有免費泊車位,火車及公車很方便。
8. 優質幼兒課本繼續出售:請快速來電訂購,仍有33%折扣。全套六本,廣東話繁體字啟蒙教材,專為土生土長的孩子編寫的。字、詞和句均有詳細英文註解。全套學習完成後將會認識到大約500個生字、生詞,非常高素質的。
9. 本校與『讀書會』聯合主辦的活動,正積極籌備中,請繼續關註。歡迎查詢及與陳校長聯系電話020 8858 2410謝謝!
1. 本校特别致谢向每一位全力支持本校再次开办学校,让孩子们能『排排坐』进入课堂上课,看见其他小朋友(Best Friends),孩子们均感到非常高兴,对父母亲说“喜欢来中文学校了。”
2. 春季招收插班生:已满额了,谢谢!
3. 9月入学新生:已有很多位报名和登记了,全部只收20名小朋友。要报名登记的,请尽快,谢谢!
4. 招收新生年龄:由4岁开始可以入学,4-10岁均可登记报名。本校是会安排孩子们加入不同组别,每班有3-5位老师辅导,务求每一位孩子均受到关注和辅导。
5. 电话报名方法:请致电 020 8858 2410 找陈雪校长,(逢周一至周六)(上午11时至下午3时),或请留下你的电话,本校有职员尽快联络你。
6. 上课日期及时间:(星期日)上午10时半至中午12时(即1小时30分钟课程)。
7. 上课地点:伦敦东南格林威治区内 Greenwich London SE Area,有免费泊车位,火车及公车很方便。
8. 优质幼儿课本继续出售:请快速来电订购,仍有33%折扣。全套六本,广东话繁体字启蒙教材,专为土生土长的孩子编写的。字、词和句均有详细英文注解。全套学习完成后将会认识到大约500个生字、生词,非常高素质的。
9. 本校与『读书会』联合主办的活动,正积极筹备中,请继续关注。欢迎查询及与陈校长联系电话020 8858 2410谢谢!
Dear Parents and Teachers
(1) On behalf of our school, I would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has fully supported us to reopen. With your support, it has become reality that children can sit in the classroom to learn Chinese and play with friends again.
(2) Cantonese Classes Admission for Spring term: fully booked.
(3) Cantonese Classes Admission for Autumn term: We can only accept 20 pupils. Please call ASAP to reserve a place for your child.
(4) Enrolment age: from 4 years old and above. We accept 4-10 years old to register. We will arrange different study groups according to children’s age and Chinese ability. All groups will have at least one teacher to assist studying.
(5) Application Method: please call Mrs Chan on 0208 858 2410 (Monday to Saturday, 11 am – 3 pm) to register, If the line is busy, please leave your phone number and name, our school staff will contact you as soon as possible.
(6) Class date and time: (Sunday) 10:30 am to 12 noon (total 1 hour and 30 minutes).
(7) School location: within Greenwich council SE Area。
(8) School textbooks (Traditional and Simplified) for sale:
Preschool books 1, 2, 3 (6 books in total) for years 4 to 8. They are excellent for British Chinese kids learning Chinese. After 3 books, children will master 500 Chinese words. If you order now, you can still have a 33% off discount. Please call 020 8858 2410 to order. Thanks
(9) GCCS Children’s Club: It will co-organise a series of Chinese traditional and art activities with the Chinese school. Currently, school staff and committee are finding way to raise funds. For details, please visit school website frequently.
Keep Safe
Headteacher Mrs Chan MBE