本校在2024年1月第一周日開始(2024年1月7日)上午11時至下午3時(每周一至周六)歡迎來電話報名。請來電陳雪校長02088582410,歡迎小朋友由4歲開始可以申請入讀幼一(幼低)。 可以留言,請慢慢說兩次有關你的姓名和電話號碼,本校將會有工作人員給你聯系,謝謝!
尊敬的家长及老师们,你们好! 时间匆匆的飞过,转眼间又是2023年的圣诞节了,之後新的一年2024年又开始了,祝大家新年新气像丶新希望丶一切顺利丶身体健康丶阖家欢乐!! 本校在2024年1月第一周日开始(2024年1月7日)上午11时至下午3时(每周一至周六)欢迎来电话报名。请来电陈雪校长02088582410,欢迎小朋友由4岁开始可以申请入读幼一(幼低)。 可以留言,请慢慢说两次有关你的姓名和电话号码,本校将会有工作人员给你联系,谢谢! 于2024年9月,本校已发展至三个班,由4岁至12岁,由幼低至小学一年级预备班,每个班分组,由3位老师辅导,效果很好,家长们很喜欢,纷纷介绍朋友及亲戚的孩子来报名入学。 本校非常欢迎你!!02088582410(请找陈校长) 本校有校内停车场供家长泊车,同时有火车站(很接近本校)丶有巴士(公共汽车)经过校门前,交通很方便! 祝圣诞节及新年快乐,身体健康! 校长陈雪MBEDear Parents, and Teachers
Time flies very fast, and it will soon be Christmas 2023, followed by the New Year 2024. I wish you all a new year with new energy, new hope, all the best, good health, and happy family! !
Our school will begin accepting registration for new students from January 7, 2024. Children 4 years old and above can apply. Please call 0208 858 2410 between 11 am to 3 pm from Monday to Saturday, register your child. If line is busy, please leave a message with your name and contact phone number, say it slowly and clearly twice. Our staff will contact you shortly. Thank you!
By September 2024, the school will have three classes, ranging from 4 to 12 years old, from kindergarten to pre-primary school. Each class is divided into small groups and tutored by three teachers. The results are very good. Parents like it very much and introduce the children of friends and relatives to join us.
The school has a very convenient transportation, on-campus parking lot, nearby train station, and bus stop just next to front gate of school!
Happy Christmas and New Year, and good health!
Headteacher Mrs Chan MBE