School Letter
- 新學年開課日期:2024年9月15日(星期日)上午10時30分開始上課,屆時見!
- 繼續招收新生:在2024年7月份/8月份至9月份繼續招收新生/插班生。
- 年齡由四歲至11歲均可入學,請來電陳雪校長(週一至週)六上午11時至下午3時,或留言。
- 本校印制的高質素幼兒教材:幼一/ 幼二/ 幼三(全套6冊)包含生字及生詞量大約500個,繼續出售,仍可享受 30%折扣,(免郵費)可網購。歡迎來電陳校長0208 858 2410,可留言,請留下你的電話號碼(請重復兩次)及你的名字,謝謝!
- 特別鳴謝各位熱心新家長:張太,陳小姐,黃小姐,蔡太,莫太,林太,熱心參加本校義務工作組。同時請各位家長認真考慮,伸出熱誠的手,一起來保護協助孩子們(包括你們孩子在內),快快參加義務工作組。謝謝你們!
- 小學部:於2025年9月開辦了。於2024年暑假期間陳雪校長和工作組會全心全意編印小學教材,請家長們盡力推動籌款工作,因編印教材需要很多經費的,我們的努力和付出是為你們的孩子們,請家長全力支持我們,謝謝!
校長 陳雪MBE
- 新学年开课日期:2024年9月15日(星期日)上午10时30分开始上课,届时见!
- 继续招收新生:在2024年7月份/8月份至9月份继续招收新生/插班生。
- 年龄由四岁至11岁均可入学,请来电陈雪校长(周一至周)六上午11时至下午3时,或留言。
- 本校印制的高质素幼儿教材:幼一/ 幼二/ 幼三(全套6册)包含生字及生词量大约500个,继续出售,仍可享受 30%折扣,(免邮费)可网购。欢迎来电陈校长0208 858 2410,可留言,请留下你的电话号码(请重复两次)及你的名字,谢谢!
- 特别鸣谢各位热心新家长:张太,陈小姐,黄小姐,蔡太,莫太,林太,热心参加本校义务工作组。同时请各位家长认真考虑,伸出热诚的手,一起来保护协助孩子们(包括你们孩子在内),快快参加义务工作组。谢谢你们!
- 小学部:於2025年9月开办了。於2024年暑假期间陈雪校长和工作组会全心全意编印小学教材,请家长们尽力推动筹款工作,因编印教材需要很多经费的,我们的努力和付出是为你们的孩子们,请家长全力支持我们,谢谢!
校长 陈雪MBE
School Letter
Dear Parents, and Teachers
“Time flies, and the summer holiday of 2024 has arrived. Summer, sunshine, and holidays go hand in hand. I wish you all a pleasant and safe summer! Please pay attention to the following points:
- New School Year: Classes will begin on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 10:30 AM. See you then!
- Admission of New Students: We are still accepting new students/transfers from July to September 2024.
- Age Range for Enrollment: Children aged 4 to 11 are eligible for enrollment. Please contact Headteacher Mrs Chan (Monday to Saturday) between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM or leave a message.
- High-Quality textbooks: Our school offers high-quality preschool textbooks and exercise books for Nursery 1 to 3 (a complete set of six books), including approximately 500 characters and vocabulary words. They are still available for purchase with a 30% discount (free shipping) through online orders. Feel free to call Headteacher Mrs Chan at 0208 858 2410. If you leave a message, please provide your phone number (repeat it twice) and your name. Thank you!
- Special Thanks to Dedicated New Parents: We extend our gratitude to enthusiastic new parents, including Mrs. Chang, Miss Chan, Miss Wong, Mrs. Choy, Mrs. Mok, and Mrs. Lam, who actively participate in our volunteer work group. We encourage all parents to consider joining this group and contribute their efforts to protect and assist our children (including your own). Thank you!
- Elementary School: Our elementary school section will open in September 2025. During the summer holiday of 2024, Mrs Chan and the workgroup will compile elementary school materials. We hope parents will participate in fundraising to help us print these teaching materials. All of our dedication and contributions are for the benefit of your children. Thank you!
Have a safe and happy summer!
Headteacher Mrs Chan MBE